Can I Sue Someone for Intentionally Ignoring My Request to Not Feed My Dog People Food and He Died

Q: Can a homeless program tell me I can't have a pet at Motel 6 when they allow pets .It's the homeless programs rules.

I stayed at this Motel 6 before on the homeless program and we were allow to have our pet.But they have made new rules and then Motel 6 has their rules.2 set of different rules for one Motel 6.Iam just wondering if this is legal .

James L. Arrasmith


James L. Arrasmith PRO label
answered on Oct 4, 2022

If the pet is a service animal, they cannot discriminate and prohibit you from having the service animal. However, they can likely prohibit animals that are not service animals.

Q: Can I sue my CA landlord for charging me a 10% increase in rent and additional security deposit for my reg. service dog?

We live in a severe housing crisis area where local supply for housing is very scarce and extremely difficult to find. We had no other option but to accept the increase otherwise be homeless. Our original rent was supposed to be $3000 a month with a $6000 deposit. After learning of the service... Read more »

James L. Arrasmith


James L. Arrasmith PRO label
answered on Oct 4, 2022

A landlord cannot charge you extra pet fees for a service animal. In addition, a landlord can only charge two months' worth of rent for a deposit, unless the house is furnished. Therefore, the charging of $9,000 or $8,000 would likely be illegal.

Q: Maintenance team accidentally let my dog out of my unit and he ran away.

I was notified of the maintenance (there's never been any issues) I received a call that my dog had "gotten out" and they were attempting to retrieve him. Then I got a call a bit later stating they had "lost sight of him". I left work after the first call to go get my dog myself but they... Read more »

Michael Joseph Larranaga

Michael Joseph Larranaga
answered on Oct 3, 2022

The dog is back safe and sound. That is the important thing. If the dog got out during a scheduling maintenance event, then it may be no more than mere negligence. It sounds like the landlord tried to do the right thing by looking for the dog and paying for all the associated costs.


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Q: How long does an owner have to claim lost dog until dog belongs to new owner. After original has been contacted?

Lost dog was found on N. Carolina interstate. Friend brought dog to Maryland as they were returning from a trip. Attempts were made to find owner via lost dog webpages in the county that the dog was found. I took dog to animal shelter in MD and found out it was chipped and the owners were contacted... Read more »

Mark Oakley

Mark Oakley
answered on Oct 3, 2022

When the owners' failure to come get the dog meets the legal definition of abandonment. Abandonment requires the intentional giving up of ownership. Intent can be express ("I no longer want the dog, you can have it"), or implied through conduct (e.g., refusal to respond to... Read more »

Q: a dog keeps charges people and other animals. They have been told multiple times not to bring it out what can be done

Roy Willey

Roy Willey
answered on Oct 2, 2022

In South Carolina there is strict liability for dog attacks. If someone is injured as a result of a dog attack (even in attempting to get away from a charging dog where there is no bite) the owner of the dog is responsible. Absent that, you might consider contacting your local animal control to... Read more »

Q: Our dog got loose and went missing. The neighbor beat him to death and hid his body out in the woods.

Supposedly, she said he killed one of her cats. District attorney said we couldn't prosecute because he killed their cat. But this is animal cruelty isn't it?

John Cucci Jr.

John Cucci Jr.
answered on Oct 2, 2022

What a terrible man!

You can sue this dog slayer! If he is poor and has no assets, then it is probably not worth your time. However, you have a year to sue him. Especially if you have sought counseling or other mental health care because of this horrible trauma.

Good luck!

Q: If I give a dog away am I responsible if she bites/hurts someone? Is this true?

Timothy Denison

Timothy Denison
answered on Sep 28, 2022

Depends on whether the dog has ever bitten anyone before. You should also warn the new owner if he has bitten before. If you disclose snd they still take the dog, you should be fine. Failing to disclose is where the trouble will come.

Q: How do I go by getting financial compensation for vet bills after unleashed dog attacked service dog in our yard

How would I approach this? Husky dog ran up into our yard on our porch attacked my mother service dog, who is a chiweenie on our porch. Dog has broken bones and peritoneal hernia issues pooping etc. Surgery is likely going to be needed for the hernia. All caught on neighbors security system showing... Read more »

Randy Bryan Ligh

Randy Bryan Ligh
answered on Sep 26, 2022

You should contact a personal injury lawyer (or a few of them) in your area to discuss the specifics of your matter and what has transpired thus far--I suggest a few because most will provide a free initial consultation. Also, you can contact the owner of the husky dog and and inquire of his... Read more »

Q: If I give a dog away am I responsible if she bites someone? She is 6 months old and is a bit aggressive.

I was told that I would/could be held responsible, is this true. I have worked with a trainer for a month now and she is not getting any better. The trainer said the best thing to do would be to put her down. I want to avoid that at all cost.

Q: Trapping cat on my property?

Hello, my neighbor's cat has been pooping on my property for years, they even litter on my outdoor furniture. I tried to talk to the neighbor but they refused to do anything about it and says that it might be a stray cat somewhere. So I decided to set a humane trap on my back yard. In the next... Read more »

James L. Arrasmith


James L. Arrasmith PRO label
answered on Sep 23, 2022

A lot of these animal laws are local and specific. Generally, you should have the right to set the trap on your backyard if the cat is routinely trespassing on your property. You have a right to quiet use and enjoyment of your home. Look at the local codes on animal control in your jurisdiction;... Read more »

Q: If u post something on a website as found,do u have an obligation to allow the rightful owner to prove ownership?

After posting my dog as found on a public website, the finder is ignoring my request to prove ownership,is that legal?

James L. Arrasmith


James L. Arrasmith PRO label
answered on Sep 23, 2022

Contact the person who found your animal. Make sure that it is in fact your dog and make sure that the finder gives the dog back to you.

Q: my brother got our dog by a blue toy and there it in the air the dog flew and no one cares but me what should i do?

* dog holding on tightly

*Brother swang around blue toy before droping it

* i told parents but no one cares

James L. Arrasmith


James L. Arrasmith PRO label
answered on Sep 23, 2022

A little difficult to answer based on the fact pattern. Assuming that no one was injured or hurt, this is likely just a personal matter and something to bring up with your family for discussion.

View More Answers

Q: Can my fiance and I be denied rental of a home because we did not disclose that we have an ESA?

We live in California and applied for a rental home in California. The application never asked if we have a service/emotional support animal. It only asked if we have any pets. We both answered no because our dog is an emotional support animal and have an ESA document from my fiancee's... Read more »

William John Light

William John Light
answered on Sep 22, 2022

You cannot be denied rental because of an ESA. However, you never informed the landlord that you had an ESA. As a result, the denial of rental is not because of an ESA.

Q: My dog was stolen two years ago. I saw my dog on a pet page and contacted them. How do I get my dog back?

I told them I would pay for a DNA test to prove he is my dog since my brother has his daughter to test the DNA with. I told her I had his AKC Paperwork, pedigree, and pictures of him with our family.

I contacted the police two years ago, but I did not know where he was. I contacted animal... Read more »

John Michael Frick

John Michael Frick
answered on Sep 19, 2022

You can file a suit for "replevin." Such a suit seeks the return of a specific item of personal property (other than money) in possession of the other party that rightfully belongs to you. In this case, the item is the dog.

Q: How long until a found dog can be adopted by the new owner? I found a dog 9 days ago & no one has claimed him.

I reported the dog as found with the shelter & posted all over social media. Took to vet & he doesn't have tags or microchip. I want to go ahead & get him neutered & all of his shots. How long does the previous owner have to come forward? My daughter has fallen in love with the... Read more »

Timothy Denison

Timothy Denison
answered on Sep 16, 2022

If no one has claimed him within five (5) days and theres no other info is of ownership, you can consider him your dog. The sooner you get him chipped and vetted, the sooner you'll be able to say he is your dog.

Q: I have an apartment lease which stipulates certain breads of dogs considered dangerous and not allowed.

There are many dogs on that list now living in my complex. The office says the owners of those dog's presented documents claiming the dogs are "emotional support " animals and they are required to accept them. How is this not a breech of my lease which prohibits such dogs? Thank you

Michael Joseph Larranaga

Michael Joseph Larranaga
answered on Sep 16, 2022

In many circumstances federal and state law trumps contract law. Contract law must live in the legal framework setup by both the state and federal governments. A personal contract typically cannot supersede a state or federal law unless the law allows itself to be superseded.

If a contract...

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Q: If I was with someone for 13 yrs and he passed away we had animals together do. I HAVE ANY RIGHTS TO THEM.

We had nothing in writing just his verbal wishes

William John Light

William John Light
answered on Sep 14, 2022

If you jointly owned the animals, then you either still jointly own the animals with his Estate; or you continue to own your interest, and his interest passed to you upon his death.

Q: I gave a puppy to someone in order to pay for it they breed the dog and give me two puppys

The first time we bred she didn't take so we had to wait she went behind my back bred her again had puppy's never told me and won't pay me

Jennie Lynn Clark

Jennie Lynn Clark
answered on Sep 11, 2022

Legally she owes you based upon your verbal agreement. However, it may difficult to prove a verbal agreement and impractical to collect even if you do. If the agreement is in writing and the person is a home owner, the agreement will be much easier to enforce.


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