Why Do Burger Places Say 100 Beef

Making hamburgers seems like something that should exist simple—how hard can it be to cook those beefy discs? Yet somehow, nailing the perfect burger can elude even the nigh seasoned home cook. Make the patty as well thick and you adventure biting into a raw mess. Leave it on the rut for besides long, and it'll cease up dry out. And a slew of other things tin can go wrong, too.

Merely fright not! We're here to assist you avoid these mutual burger mistakes so that you can brand at-home burgers that are simply as delicious as the ones from your favorite restaurant. With these burger tricks on mitt, yous'll accept the best-e'er cookout this summer. And for more cooking tips and recipe ideas, sign up for our newsletter to get daily recipes and food news in your inbox!

What'due south the all-time burger fob for domicile chefs?

The clandestine to making juicy burgers at home is all in the meat. You'll desire to form the patties by manus, rather than buying pre-formed patties. (Bonus points if yous grind the meat yourself, likewise!) The other large burger play a joke on you lot'll want to bide by is letting your meat come to room temperature before throwing it on the grill. If the meat is withal cold from the fridge, it won't melt as evenly.

What else do yous demand to know to make juicy burgers? We asked two chefs to share the about mutual burger mistakes people make and how to avert them. And we're not gonna leave you in the dark: You'll likewise find easy solutions to all your grilling woes, including how to build a better burger.

And for more, don't miss these 15 Classic American Desserts That Deserve a Improvement.

closeup of cooked burger patty on bun with toppings

Those pre-made patties at the store may look tempting as a shortcut, but you're going to want to pump the restriction on ownership a package. They aren't necessarily made with the highest quality meat, and y'all'll exist leaving the seasoning up to take a chance.

How to fix it: To make a burger with the correct amount of fat and flavor, Cory Harwell, chef of Carson'southward Kitchen in Alpharetta, Georgia, suggests a alloy of beef. "I recommend a basis beef mixture from your local butcher that is 75% ground chuck, fifteen% ground brisket, and 10% ground short rib," he says. This ensures a skillful amount of fat, which translates into more than flavour.

And for more than cooking tricks, don't miss these 20 Tips for How to Make the Perfect Burger.

ground beef patties on brown paper

We become it: You're decorated and want to get to the cooking. Information technology makes sense that you would want to start cooking your patties directly out of the fridge. But earlier you throw your patties on the grill or stove, permit them come to room temperature.

How to fix information technology: Be patient and let your meat rest exterior of the fridge for a few minutes. "I like to allow the meat reach room temperature earlier cooking," Harwell says. "This ensures there'southward less of a shock to the meat when placed on a hot surface for cooking." The meat volition besides cook more evenly. Don't go out them out as well long, though—around fifteen minutes is all y'all need.

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multiple burger patties and hot dogs on grill

Some people like to mix their burger meat with eggs or breadcrumbs, thinking that information technology will agree the meat together amend. Just Harwell is very succinct when information technology comes to this issue. "Please don't use a binder when making burgers," he says. "That makes it more of a meatloaf than a burger."

How to set it: Leave the binder behind! All you need to make a burger is beef and seasoning. That'south it!

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grilled hamburger

No one wants to seize with teeth into a burger that tastes bland. Don't hold back when it comes to seasoning your patties. Non simply do you need to make certain y'all employ enough common salt and pepper, but you also need to make sure you use those condiments correctly.

How to fix it: Season liberally—and merely afterward you've formed the patties. "When seasoning the meat, brand sure to form the patty before you add Morton Coarse Kosher Table salt and black pepper," says Derek Wolf, fire cooking enthusiast and possessor of Over the Fire Cooking. "Common salt extracts the moisture from the meat and leaves you lot with a dry patty. Adding the salt right before you cook can aid guarantee yous have a nice, juicy burger that is full of flavor."

"Most people under-season their patties. Be liberal with the table salt and pepper, and season from high to a higher place the patty so yous get even coverage," says Harwell. We're not suggesting that you lot go full-on Salt Bae while seasoning your hamburgers, but sprinkling the seasoning on from loftier above is a helpful technique that will get you delicious tasting burgers.

Sea salt in a bowl

It'south natural to sprinkle a hearty pinch of table table salt onto ground beef when you're making burgers. But Dino DeBell, executive chef and partner of Allen Burger Venture in Buffalo, New York, says that using table salt instead of kosher salt when making burgers is a big fault.

Why should you use kosher common salt? The flakes are bigger, which means at that place'due south a college density of flavor added to the meat. Table salt's flakes, on the other hand, are smaller and dissolve pretty chop-chop. Those big kosher common salt flakes are dandy for drawing out the wet in the meat, making those burger patties even juicier.

How to set information technology: Invest in some quality kosher table salt and flavour those patties to perfection.

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flames behind cooking burger patties

Did you burn your burgers while cooking them? The culprit is likely uneven thickness. While the shape of the patty doesn't affair, the thickness does.

"You really want to make certain the patty is a uniform, even thickness, or it's not going to melt properly, which can pb to a burnt outside and undercooked inside," says DeBell.

How to prepare information technology: "Flatten the patties by pressing them flat using a burger press," says Wolf. "If you don't accept a burger press, then effort pressing together two plates or ii cutting boards to get that flat burger course. Fun tip: If you are looking to double-stack burgers, make certain to have thin patties, or else you will accept a very tall burger!"

You can also try this tip from Harwell: Put a niggling thumbprint in the middle of the patty once it'southward formed, and it will prevent the patties from balling up during the cooking process.

Form burger patties

When making burgers, it's important to recall that the meat loses volume while cooking. That ways that when you're shaping your patty, you need to account for shrinkage and make patties that seem bigger than they demand to be.

How to fix information technology: Harwell suggests combating patty shrinkage past making your patty about one inch wider than the bun. This way, when the burger cooks downwards, information technology's still perfect for whatever bun you're putting it on.

RELATED: Learn how to harness the power of tea to lose weight.

Ground beef

Cooking burgers on a backyard grill is iconic, but it'southward not necessarily the best way. Both Harwell and DeBell prefer cooking their burgers on a flat surface at home, specifically a bandage-iron skillet. "I think a high-heat sear, taking advantage of the Maillard reaction [caramelization], is the all-time way to go," says Harwell. DeBell says to utilize a hearty corporeality of butter on the skillet to help with sticking, and of course, flavor.

How to fix information technology: Don't be afraid to melt burgers indoors! "Burgers are simple to brand on a stovetop, besides—with the right seasonings and toppings," says Claudia Sidoti, head chef & recipe programmer at HelloFresh. "A lilliputian seasoning tin go a long way to bring out the all-time flavors."

"Drizzle olive oil into a frying pan on loftier heat," Sidoti says, adding that cast-iron is your best bet. "Once it gets nice and hot, and the rut is distributed evenly, information technology'll deliver on those grill marks you're hoping for."

burger buns
Eugene Vorontsov/Shutterstock

Subsequently going through the problem of making hamburgers, information technology can exist tempting to throw them on but whatsoever old buns. Just that'south a fault, as buns play an of import role. Then don't catch merely whatsoever package of buns at the grocery shop!

How to gear up it: Soft, pillowy buns are the best, according to Harwell. They sense of taste nifty, plus they're nice to chew into when taking a bite out of your burger. Call up potato or egg rolls, which have the right texture for your burgers.

"The biggest reason people see problems with burgers holding up is because they didn't selection a great bun that fit the burger," DeBell says. "The wrong size, a low-quality bread, etc. That's why you buy good buns: to concord upward to the burger and all the ingredients."

And for more tips, hither's How to Grill Burgers Perfectly.

spatula flipping burger patty on open grill

Food keeps cooking once information technology's taken off the oestrus, a process known every bit residue cooking. It'south easy to forget virtually during the cooking process, but keeping it in mind can make a huge departure with your burgers.

"It may expect like information technology'due south the temperature y'all want at present, but and so it'll rest and keep cooking, and you tin terminate up with a burger that's more than overcooked than you'd prefer," says DeBell.

How to fix it: "Allow the beefiness patty to rest at least a couple of minutes after cooking. Some blood and juices volition drip abroad, thus keeping the bun from getting soggy," says Fabrice Poigin, culinary manager at King's Fish House.

Harwell suggests using a thermometer and to pull the meat when information technology's five to ten degrees earlier the desired temperature. When it is, pull information technology off the cooking surface and allow it finish cooking and come to rest.

"Resting is very important when grilling a burger. Like [with] most meats, giving your burger the chance to remainder allows all of the deliciously mouthwatering juices to collect and re-distribute throughout the patty, for a existent full-bodied juicy season," says Patrick Ochs, corporate executive chef for INK Amusement USA. "The smaller the burger patty is, the less time that'southward needed to rest. For larger patties, you lot should allow the burger to rest for upward to 6-10 minutes."


There's no wrong style to build your burger, but when it comes fourth dimension to construct your burgers, information technology's of import to put the lettuce downwardly on the bun before the patty. The lettuce acts as a barrier between the bun and the patty (and the other ingredients), keeping information technology from getting too soggy.

How to fix it: "I use iceberg lettuce and place it facing up on the lesser bun," Harwell says. "That way, the lettuce loving cup catches some of the natural drippings. I put veggies under the patty and cheese on top."

Season ground beef mixing with hands in glass bowl

When forming your patties, yous demand to be gentle with the ground beef. Packing the meat together likewise tightly to grade the patty volition result in a burger that'southward tough to chew. For a juicy, tender burger, gently bring the meat together, keeping information technology somewhat loose. It may seem counterintuitive, just it'll be worth information technology when you lot sink your teeth into the perfect burger.

How to fix it: Don't need to put the meat in a bowl to add seasoning. Don't mix the seasoning into the burger mixture—just add information technology on top before cooking your patties.

huge burger with multiple layers of toppings

There's no wrong mode to adorn your burger, but effort not to get overboard. "The event is making sure you don't get too gimmicky… attempt and keep information technology authentic," DeBell says. "Stick to good quality ingredients and y'all won't demand a ton of condiments—a skillful quality beef and bun will go a long way."

How to fix it: If you want your burger to smoothen, selection a couple of toppings and let the burger do the rest.

"Residual is central to any burger," says Ochs. "Based on whichever condiments, produce, and meat y'all decide to put in your burger, you lot must call up to go along a balanced ratio of all ingredients. I tend to brand my burgers with the following ratio: 50 percent bun, 30 percentage patty, x percent produce, five percent cheese, v percentage sauce. Burgers are meant to be simple and fresh. You want to be able to taste all of your ingredients in every seize with teeth."

Meat thermometer

Cooking burgers can exist dicey. If yous don't cook the burger long plenty, it'll be raw inside, which puts you at adventure for illness-causing bacteria. If you overcook it, you end upwardly with a tough, dry mess. No one wants to bite into a hockey puck!

How to fix it: The best matter to practise to ensure a properly cooked burger is to buy an internal thermometer. The USDA recommends an internal temperature of 160 degrees Fahrenheit for ground beefiness.

An internal temperature of 125 degrees Fahrenheit denotes rare, while 130 degrees Fahrenheit will render a medium-rare burger. Prefer your meat more done? For medium, cook until the meat reaches 140 degrees Fahrenheit; for medium-well, aim for 150 degrees Fahrenheit; and for well-done, get out the patty on the grill or pan until it reaches 165 degrees Fahrenheit.

spatula flipping burger patty on grill

If you've seen people pressing down on their burgers while cooking on television, don't try it at home. By pressing down on your burgers, y'all're squeezing out their juices. You may experience like pressing down on your burger volition expedite how fast it will cook. However, Daniel Stramm, executive chef at Wolfgang Puck in Downtown Summerlin, Las Vegas, warns against information technology. "This lets all of the flavors you developed through seasoning drip right downwards into your coals, causing a spark, which in return will put a carbon taste into your burger," he says.

How to fix information technology: To maintain that juiciness, only place the burgers on the cooking surface and flip them once during the cooking procedure. And exist sure to avert flipping too early—that'southward how burgers get stuck to the grill.

"Resist the urge to flip or poke and prod at your patty as it cooks. Doing so can remove the moisture from the meat," says Chef Tamra Scroggins, director of food culture at Sizzler. "At most, you should melt your burger for at least three to four minutes on each side, depending on the doneness y'all're aiming for."

And for more, don't miss these 7 Tips on How to Make Burgers.

Cleaning grill with a brush

"Goose egg is worse than burgers sticking to the grill grate when you attempt to flip them," Wolf says. "Most people retrieve that burgers are so juicy that they will release from the grill very easily. This is not always the case."

How to fix it: "Make sure to clean your grill grate earlier cooking," Wolf says. "Preheat the grill so that the heat loosens some of the previous residues. Take a grill scraper and brush off as much as possible. If the grate is really dirty, and so add some oil to the castor and put information technology onto the grill grate (be careful with oil and fire!). Fun tip: Make clean your grill immediately after cooking while information technology is still hot and so that you are ready to start cooking at your next lawn grill out!"

burger patties on grill

"Ever take a burger that is overcooked on the outside but not right in the inside?" asks Jose Icardi, executive chef and concept creator of Shore Club South Beach'southward eatery Diez y Seis. "In that case, y'all may have put your patty on the grill before it was readily hot."

How to fix it: "One of the biggest mistakes people brand is putting the patty on the grill earlier information technology'south reached the correct temperature. Just because the burn is going, doesn't hateful the grill is ready to use for cooking. You want to brand sure the grill or pan is hot earlier throwing on the patty, and then, of course, permit information technology cook before flipping," Icardi says.

Now that you know these handy burger tricks, y'all'll be preparing succulent burgers at home in no time.

And for more, check out these 108 most popular sodas ranked past how toxic they are.


Source: https://www.eatthis.com/burger-mistakes/

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