How Can You Tell if Your Child Your Baby Is Autistic at 1 Years Old


Does My Kid Have Autism?

Catching autism early makes a huge difference. By recognizing the early signs and symptoms, you can become your child the help they need to learn, grow, and thrive.

Eye-level view of toddler lying on hardwood floor, pushing building blocks together determinedly

What is autism?

Autism expresses itself through a spectrum of symptoms. Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) appears in infancy and early childhood, causing delays in many basic areas of development, such as learning to talk, play, and interact with others.

The signs and symptoms of autism vary widely, as practice its furnishings. Some children with autism take just balmy impairments, while others take more than obstacles to overcome. However, every child on the autism spectrum has problems, at least to some degree, in the following 3 areas:

  • Communicating verbally and not-verbally.
  • Relating to others and the world around them.
  • Thinking and behaving flexibly.

There are different opinions among doctors, parents, and experts well-nigh what causes autism and how all-time to treat it. There is i fact, however, that everyone agrees on: early and intensive intervention helps. For children at risk and children who bear witness early signs, it can brand all the departure. Merely no thing your child's age, don't lose promise. Treatment can reduce the disorder'due south effects and assist your child thrive in life.

One infant's story

Melanie is a healthy one-year old, but her parents are worried well-nigh her development because she'due south not doing many things that her older brother did at her age, like playing peek-a-boo and mimicking expressions and gestures. Melanie's mom and dad try to engage her with toys, songs, and games, but nothing they do gets her interest, let solitary a express joy or a smile. In fact, she rarely makes center contact. And although her hearing has been checked and is normal, she doesn't babble, make other infant noises, or respond when her parents telephone call her name. Melanie needs to be checked out by a child development specialist correct away.

How parents can spot the warning signs

As a parent, you're in the best position to spot the earliest warning signs of autism. You lot know your child ameliorate than anyone and observe behaviors and quirks that a pediatrician, in a quick fifteen-infinitesimal visit, might not have the chance to see. Your child's pediatrician tin can be a valuable partner, but don't discount the importance of your own observations and experience. The fundamental is to educate yourself so you know what's typical and what's not.

[Read: Autism Spectrum Disorders]

Monitor your kid'due south development. Autism involves a diverseness of developmental delays, and so keeping a close middle on when—or if—your child is hitting the key social, emotional, and cognitive milestones is an effective fashion to spot the trouble early on. While developmental delays don't automatically point to autism, they may indicate a heightened risk.

Take action if yous're concerned. Every child develops at a dissimilar pace, so you don't demand to panic if your child is a fiddling late to talk or walk. When information technology comes to healthy development, in that location's a broad range of "typical." Merely if your child is not meeting the milestones for his or her age, or you doubtable a trouble, share your concerns with your child's doctor immediately. Don't look.

Don't take a wait-and-come across arroyo. Many concerned parents are told, "Don't worry" or "Await and meet." Just waiting is the worst matter you can exercise. You risk losing valuable time at an historic period where your child has the best run a risk for improvement. Furthermore, whether the delay is acquired past autism or some other factor, developmentally delayed kids are unlikely to simply "abound out of" their problems. In lodge to develop skills in an area of filibuster, your child needs actress aid and targeted treatment.

Trust your instincts. Ideally, your child's doctor will accept your concerns seriously and perform a thorough evaluation for autism or other developmental delays. Simply sometimes, fifty-fifty well-significant doctors miss crimson flags or underestimate problems. Listen to your gut if it's telling you something is wrong, and be persistent. Schedule a follow-up engagement with the doctor, seek a second stance, or ask for a referral to a kid evolution specialist.

Regression of any kind is a serious autism warning sign

Some children with autism spectrum disorder start to develop communication skills and so backslide, usually between 12 and 24 months. For example, a child who was communicating with words such as "mommy" or "upwardly" may stop using language entirely, or a child may stop playing social games he or she used to enjoy such every bit peek-a-boo, patty cake, or waving "cheerio-farewell." Any loss of speech, babbling, gestures, or social skills should be taken very seriously, as regression is a major scarlet flag for autism.

Signs and symptoms of autism in babies and toddlers

If autism is defenseless in infancy, handling can take full advantage of the young brain's remarkable plasticity. Although autism is hard to diagnose earlier 24 months, symptoms often surface betwixt 12 and eighteen months. If signs are detected by 18 months of historic period, intensive treatment may help to rewire the brain and reverse the symptoms.

[Read: Autism Treatments, Therapies, and Interventions]

The earliest signs of autism involve the absence of typical behaviors—not the presence of singular ones—so they can be tough to spot. In some cases, the primeval symptoms of autism are even misinterpreted equally signs of a "good baby," since the infant may seem serenity, contained, and undemanding. However, you can catch warning signs early if yous know what to look for.

Some autistic infants don't reply to cuddling, reach out to be picked upwards, or expect at their mothers when existence fed.

Early signs

Your baby or toddler doesn't:

  • Make eye contact, such every bit looking at you when existence fed or smiling when beingness smiled at.
  • Respond to their proper noun, or to the sound of a familiar voice.
  • Follow objects visually or follow your gesture when yous indicate things out.
  • Betoken or wave cheerio, or utilize other gestures to communicate.
  • Make noises to become your attending.
  • Initiate or respond to cuddling or reach out to be picked upward.
  • Imitate your movements and facial expressions.
  • Play with other people or share interest and enjoyment.
  • Notice or care if you hurt yourself or feel discomfort.

Developmental red flags

The post-obit delays warrant an immediate evaluation by your child's pediatrician:

By 6 months: No big smiles or other warm, blithesome expressions.

By 9 months: No back-and-along sharing of sounds, smiles, or other facial expressions.

By 12 months: Lack of response to name.

Past 12 months: No babbling or "baby talk."

By 12 months: No dorsum-and-forth gestures, such every bit pointing, showing, reaching, or waving.

By xvi months: No spoken words.

By 24 months: No meaningful two-word phrases that don't involve imitating or repeating.

Signs and symptoms in older children

As children get older, the red flags for autism get more various. There are many warning signs and symptoms, simply they typically circumduct around dumb social skills, speech and linguistic communication difficulties, non-verbal communication difficulties, and inflexible behavior.

Signs of social difficulties

  • Appears disinterested or unaware of other people or what's going on around them.
  • Doesn't know how to connect with others, play, or make friends.
  • Prefers not to be touched, held, or cuddled.
  • Doesn't play "pretend" games, engage in group games, imitate others, or use toys in creative ways.
  • Has trouble agreement feelings or talking about them.
  • Doesn't seem to hear when others talk to them.
  • Doesn't share interests or achievements with others (drawings, toys).

Basic social interaction tin can be difficult for children with autism spectrum disorder. Many kids on the autism spectrum seem to adopt to live in their own world, aristocratic and detached from others.

Signs of speech and language difficulties

  • Speaks in an atypical tone of voice, or with an odd rhythm or pitch (east.g. ends every sentence every bit if asking a question).
  • Repeats the aforementioned words or phrases over and over, often without chatty intent.
  • Responds to a question past repeating information technology, rather than answering it.
  • Uses language incorrectly (grammatical errors, wrong words) or refers to him or herself in the third person.
  • Has difficulty communicating needs or desires.
  • Doesn't understand unproblematic directions, statements, or questions.
  • Takes what is said too literally (misses undertones of humour, irony, and sarcasm).

Children with autism spectrum disorder take difficulty with oral communication and language. Often, they start talking late.

Signs of nonverbal communication difficulties

  • Avoids center contact.
  • Uses facial expressions that don't match what they are saying
  • Doesn't pick upwards on other people'south facial expressions, tone of voice, and gestures.
  • Makes very few gestures (such equally pointing). May come across as cold or "robot-like."
  • Reacts unusually to sights, smells, textures, and sounds. May be especially sensitive to loud noises. Tin likewise be unresponsive to people entering/leaving, besides as efforts by others to attract the kid'due south attention.
  • Atypical posture, awkwardness, or eccentric means of moving (due east.g., walking exclusively on tiptoe).

Children with autism spectrum disorder take trouble picking up on subtle nonverbal cues and using body language. This makes the "give-and-take" of social interaction very difficult.

Signs of inflexibility

  • Follows a rigid routine (east.m., insists on taking a specific route to school).
  • Has difficulty adapting to any changes in schedule or surroundings (eastward.g., throws a tantrum if the article of furniture is rearranged or bedtime is at a different fourth dimension than usual).
  • Unusual attachments to toys or foreign objects such every bit keys, light switches, or safety bands. Obsessively lines things up or arranges them in a certain order.
  • Preoccupation with a narrow topic of involvement, often involving numbers or symbols (eastward.g., memorizing and reciting facts about maps, train schedules, or sports statistics).
  • Spends long periods watching moving objects such as a ceiling fan, or focusing on 1 specific part of an object such as the wheels of a toy car.
  • Repeats the same actions or movements over and over over again, such as flapping hands, rocking, or twirling (known as self-stimulatory behavior, or "stimming"). Some researchers and clinicians believe that these behaviors may soothe children with autism more than than stimulate them.

Children with autism spectrum disorder are often restricted, inflexible, and even obsessive in their behaviors, activities, and interests.

Common restricted and repetitive behaviors

  • Manus flapping
  • Rocking dorsum and along
  • Spinning in a circumvolve
  • Finger flicking
  • Caput banging
  • Staring at lights
  • Moving fingers in forepart of the eyes
  • Snapping fingers
  • Borer ears
  • Scratching
  • Lining up toys
  • Spinning objects
  • Cycle Spinning
  • Watching moving objects
  • Flicking light switches on and off
  • Repeating words or noises

Causes of autism

Until recently, most scientists believed that autism is caused mostly by genetic factors. But groundbreaking new research indicates that environmental factors may also be important in the development of autism.

Babies may exist built-in with a genetic vulnerability to autism that is then triggered past something in the external surroundings, either while he or she is even so in the womb or one-time after birth.

It's important to note that the environment, in this context, means anything outside the body. It's not limited to things like pollution or toxins in the atmosphere. In fact, ane of the about important environments appears to be the prenatal environs.

Prenatal factors that may contribute to autism

Taking antidepressants during pregnancy, especially in the first 3 months.

Nutritional deficiencies early in pregnancy, particularly not getting plenty folic acrid.

The age of the mother and begetter.

Complications at or before long after nativity, including very low birth weight and neonatal anemia

Maternal infections during pregnancy.

Exposure to chemical pollutants, such as metals and pesticides, while pregnant.

More inquiry on these prenatal risk factors is needed, but if you're pregnant or trying to conceive, it can't hurt to take steps now to reduce your baby's adventure of autism.

Reducing the risk of autism: Tips for expectant mothers

Take a multivitamin. Taking 400 micrograms of folic acid daily helps prevent birth defects such equally spina bifida. It's not clear whether this volition also help reduce risk of autism, just taking the vitamins can't hurt.

Inquire about SSRIs. Women who are taking an SSRI (or who develop depression during pregnancy) should talk with a clinician near all the risks and benefits of these drugs. Untreated depression in a mother can as well affect her kid'southward well-being later on, so this is non a uncomplicated decision to make.

Practice prenatal care. Eating nutritious food, trying to avoid infections, and seeing a clinician for regular check-ups tin can increase the chances of giving birth to a healthy kid.

Source: Harvard Wellness Publications

Autism and vaccines

While you tin can't command the genes your child inherits, or shield him or her from every environmental danger, at that place is ane very of import affair you can do to protect the health of your kid: brand certain he or she is vaccinated on schedule.

Despite a lot of controversy on the topic, scientific research does non support the theory that vaccines or their ingredients crusade autism. Five major epidemiologic studies conducted in the U.Southward., Great britain, Sweden, and Denmark, found that children who received vaccines did not have higher rates of autism. Additionally, a major condom review by the Establish of Medicine failed to detect any bear witness supporting the connection. Other organizations that have concluded that vaccines are not associated with autism include the Centers for Illness Control and Prevention (CDC), the U.S. Nutrient and Drug Administration (FDA), the American University of Pediatrics, and the World Health Arrangement (WHO).

Myths and facts well-nigh childhood vaccinations
Myth: Vaccines aren't necessary.

Fact: Vaccines protect your child from many serious and potentially deadly diseases, including measles, meningitis, polio, tetanus, diphtheria, and whooping coughing. These diseases are uncommon today because vaccines are doing their job. Just the bacteria and viruses that cause these diseases nonetheless exist and tin be passed on to children who aren't immunized.

Myth: Vaccines crusade autism.

Fact: Despite all-encompassing research and prophylactic studies, scientists and doctors have not plant a link betwixt childhood vaccinations and autism or other developmental bug. Children who are non vaccinated practice non take lower rates of autism spectrum disorders.

Myth: Vaccines are given as well early.

Fact: Early on vaccination protects your child from serious diseases that are about likely to occur—and most dangerous—in babies. Waiting to immunize your baby puts him or her at risk. The recommended vaccination schedule is designed to work all-time with children's immune systems at specific ages. A unlike schedule may non offer the aforementioned protection.

Myth: Too many vaccines are given at once.

Fact: You may have heard theories that the recommended vaccine schedule overloads young children'south immune systems and may even cause autism. But enquiry shows that spacing out vaccinations doesn't better children's health or lower their risk of autism, and as noted above, actually puts them at adventure for potentially fatal diseases.

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What to do if you're worried

If your child is developmentally delayed, or if you lot've observed other red flags for autism, schedule an appointment with your pediatrician right abroad. In fact, it'southward a adept idea to have your child screened past a doctor fifty-fifty if he or she is hitting the developmental milestones on schedule. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that all children receive routine developmental screenings, besides as specific screenings for autism at 9, 18, and 30 months of historic period.

Schedule an autism screening. A number of specialized screening tools have been developed to identify children at gamble for autism. Almost of these screening tools are quick and straightforward, consisting of yes-or-no questions or a checklist of symptoms. Your pediatrician should too get your feedback regarding your child's behavior.

[Read: Helping Your Child with Autism Thrive]

See a developmental specialist. If your pediatrician detects possible signs of autism during the screening, your child should exist referred to a specialist for a comprehensive diagnostic evaluation. Screening tools can't be used to make a diagnosis, which is why further assessment is needed. A specialist can acquit a number of tests to determine whether or non your kid has autism. Although many clinicians volition not diagnose a child with autism before 30 months of age, they will be able to utilise screening techniques to determine when a cluster of symptoms associated with autism is nowadays.

Seek early intervention services. The diagnostic process for autism is tricky and can sometimes take a while. Merely you tin take advantage of treatment every bit soon equally you doubtable your child has developmental delays. Ask your medico to refer you to early intervention services. Early intervention is a federally funded program for infants and toddlers with disabilities. Children who demonstrate several early alert signs may accept developmental delays. They will benefit from early intervention whether or not they run across the full criteria for an autism spectrum disorder. In other words, there is more chance involved in the expect-and-encounter approach than in receiving early intervention.

Ted Hutman, Ph.D. is Assistant Clinical Professor in Psychiatry at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA and a licensed clinical psychologist practicing in Santa Monica, CA.


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